When dragging a sample from an audio track into Simpler from Live, Push 2 would erroneously still display the audio Clip view, even if the track containing Simpler was selected.

If 'Accent' was enabled, changing any of the Note Settings in the step sequencer would cause the velocity for this step to jump to 127. When a Group Track is selected, using 'Add Track' to add an instrument would lead to unexpected results. Display brightness settings would not be restored correctly on Push 2 after power cycling the device. The master meter on Push 2 would not turn entirely red, as it does in Live, when the signal was clipping. Disabling 'Warp' would cause the zoom in Simpler to jump to an unusual zoom level.

Under certain circumstances, the Push 2 display could go blank when selecting a track containing Simpler, if a really long sample was loaded into that device. Previously, ‘Fixed Length’ would be ignored if the recording of a Clip was triggered by pressing a pad as opposed to pressing the Record button. Count-in would be ignored when a recording was triggered via Push, in cases where a Clip was already active. When cycling through Layouts with Push, a notification is now declaring the current mode of operation of the pads. In addition to that, holding 'Quantize' and pressing a Slice will quantize all the events for that Slice. When using Simpler in Slicing mode, holding 'Delete' and pressing a Slice will remove all its steps in the currently selected Clip, if any exist. Scales Layout settings are now also stored within a Live Set. When moving the Session Ring with the ‘Page’ and ‘Octave’ buttons from Push 2, an absolute offset of 8 will now be used in all cases. In both the melodic and Drum Rack step sequencer, note length can now be adjusted via the pads, by holding the pad where the step exists, and one pad at its right. When Simpler is in One Shot mode, the ‘Gain’ parameter is now available in place of Volume. It is now possible to copy and paste notes across pitches in the Melodic Step Sequencer for Push 1 and 2. In the Drum Rack Step Sequencer, it is now possible to copy and paste a step into a different part of the Clip for Push 1 and 2. When converting an audio Clip to Simpler, the device chain content is now copied from the original track to the destination track. It is now possible to convert an audio clip to a new drum rack pad. In the melodic step sequencer, stepped automation is now linked to note length. In Session mode, holding duplicate allows copying and pasting a Clip to a Clip Slot of choice.
Ableton live 9.6 update#
Push 2 Firmware update v 0.51: introduces an improvement for potentiometers, to prevent jitter due to electrical noise.
Ableton live 9.6 pro#
The Launchpad Pro User mode would not send MIDI notes into tracks anymore. The Session Ring would be displayed when selecting certain Control Surfaces, even if no valid input and output MIDI ports were enabled in the respective Control Surfaces menus. The APC 40 Session Ring would reset to the top left of Live's Session View when adding or removing another Control Surface. Fixed a bug in Max for Live which prevented 'fold_state' and devices in Drum Rack Chains from being declared. Vinyl Distortion would not report its latency to Live, thus would not be correctly compensated. Operator's 'Shaper Drive' and 'Shaper Dry/Wet' would expose the wrong parameter name when mapped to Macros. If the End Marker of a Clip preceded the Loop End Marker and Clip Loop was on, recording this Clip in arrangement could lead to a wrong result. Fixed a rare crash which could occur when using Complex or Pro Warp modes. Live could crash when loading a Live Set where the 'EXT' button is saved as active, if Link was enabled in the preferences.

When triggering a recording with count-in enabled, Simpler could start playing back Warped samples from the wrong position. When duplicating a track, Clip modulation would not play back for the newly created track.

Fixed a bug which caused Live to hang when loading certain Live Sets.
Ableton live 9.6 manual#
Updated the Live manual and a number of lessons and info texts. Improved the responsiveness of the Tuner device. The ‘EXT’ button is no longer hidden when the Link button is shown.Įnabling the ‘Link’ toggle disables ‘EXT’ and vice versa. This button only appears if Link is enabled in the Preferences. The ‘Link’ icon in Live's main UI now behaves like a button, toggling the Link feature on and off.